Janice L. Parks JParks Consultant, GBSA Global Business Solutions Advisor LLC,
Business Developer, Global Distributor of The Noni Juice and other Health and
Wellness Products, Coach And Author.
The Entrepreneurial Digital Marketplace

Daughters Of Zion Arise
This book is one that showcases 12 women from the Biblical perspective with whom God used in His plan for Humanity!
Some of you may be familiar with some of the highlighted women in this book but on a limited basis.
It's a short read but POWERFUL!!!
The Main message is that God does Not play about His Daughters and He has shown Himself strong through them Then and Now He will forever use them for His Glory!
"Be what God has called you to be and never give up"
My Story
God has taken my Life and turned a daughter that was seemingly thrown away not knowing her father until she was 42 years old raised by her maternal grandmother then a aunt a whole community keeping truth from being known even by her mother and others.
But God protected the Call of God on my life for such a time as this. My desire is to be All that God has called me to be even now at 70 years old!
Allow me to enhance your Call with my areas of Entrepreneurship, As a writer, Business Developer, Humanitarian or as a Life Coach.
1-919-454-2279 Whatsapp and Mobile Cell
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On Cash App $JLP195469 or https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/daughtersofzionarize
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